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Risdaverse Tales: Four Risdaverse Novellas Page 10
Risdaverse Tales: Four Risdaverse Novellas Read online
Page 10
I give her sweet-tasting cunt one last proprietary lick and lift my head to give her a smug grin. I wait to hear praise, for her to tell me that I’m the best she’s ever had. Instead, she just trembles and looks at me with pure, utter astonishment.
I decide that’s better than praise. Piper looks utterly flabbergasted that I just made her come. Makes me rock hard, too. No one’s made her come like this, that much is clear, and my mesakkah possessiveness roars to life.
This is my keffing female.
The need to claim her pours over me in waves, and I give the inside of her thigh a nip before I push up over her, covering her smaller body with mine. I make eye contact with her, because I need to know that we’re still on the same page. That she wants this as much as I do.
As if she knows what I’m asking, she meets my gaze and gives me a quick nod.
Good. I keep a hand between us, testing the wetness of her cunt, but she’s still hot and slick and ready for me. I bury my hands in her hair and lean in, breathing in her scent. All of this just adds to the sensation that this is my female. Mine.
With a growl rising in my throat, I surge over her and sink deep into her body.
She gasps, but her legs lift up, going around my hips. My tail latches onto one ankle and I hold her against me as I sink deep again, thrusting hard. The bed shakes with the force of my possession of her, but I can’t stop. Won’t stop. She’s making these soft, mewing little noises in her throat as I claim her, our bodies slamming on the bed, and her cunt ripples around me with every stroke, almost as if she’s coming all over again.
Her nails dig into my skin and she cries out once more, and I realize that it’s not just the plas-film keffing with things and making her seem more sensitive than she is. She really is coming again. Her body’s as tight as a bowstring under mine, her nails clawing at my back, and she’s fierce and wild as she snarls my name into my arm, biting my bicep as she comes again.
This little human’s a wildcat. And I’m the one that’s unleashed this in her.
My release roars through my body and I pump into her, hard and fast, as my climax takes over. I come so hard my balls feel as if they’ve dried up and left nothing for the future. It’s like Piper’s wrung every last drop out of me as I drive into her one last time and shudder.
I collapse on the bed next to her, breathing hard, my body utterly spent. The scent of sex is in the air of the small room, but all I can smell—and taste—is the musk of her cunt. I’ll be ready to go at it again within minutes, I realize, and fight back a grin. No wonder males keffing lose their minds over human females. I press a hand to my brow, trying to will my brain back to life. Feels like everything spilled out of me when I came—my seed, my rational thoughts, my life.
I’ve never had such good sex. Damn.
The bed creaks and Piper gets up. I watch her as she moves to the bathroom, and the water comes on. A few minutes later, she comes out and says nothing. She gets into bed next to me and peels the plas-film off my cock, the pouch at the end full of my seed. I go stiff for a moment, wondering if she’s going to keep it and try to impregnate herself, but she gets up and puts it into the waste compartment and hits the button to send it to recycling. Then she returns to my side and quietly mops my cock with the warm towel.
I feel as if I should say something.
A lot just happened here. More than just sex. I know from the look on her face that she experienced things she’s never felt before, and I did, too. The way she said my name…kef me. I’ve never heard anything so good. Well, except for those little sounds she was making when I drove into her, pounding as I’ve never pounded before.
Grinning, I look over at Piper as she climbs into bed. Her shift is back on, and she turns the light off, then lies down on her side.
No conversation, nothing. Just going back to sleep. I consider this for a moment, and then grab her by the hips and tuck her small body against mine, looping my arm over her protectively.
This morning, I was in jail waiting to be sent back to Haven, the worst prison planet in the galaxy. Tonight, I just had amazing, filthy sex with a female that gets prettier by the moment.
I’m going to ignore that whole “marriage and baby” thing and count today as a win. And when she snuggles up against me and her breathing evens out, I decide I should sleep, too.
I’m going to need my strength for the next round.
* * *
I wake up to sunlight streaming into the bedroom, my cock an aching bar of heat, and my body ready for another round with my frisky, delicious little human.
The bed is empty, though, and Piper’s nowhere to be seen.
I sit up, rubbing my eyes. Right. The sun is up, and farmers tend to keep early hours. I’m not much for that kind of thing, which is another strike against the whole “farming” career. I like to wallow in bed. I’d especially like to wallow in bed with Piper, and my cock’s more than ready to sink into her sweet depths again. I’d love to see that look in her eyes again when I make her come—that startled pleasure as if she never expected to be touched like this.
Maybe she hasn’t. Maybe the only touches she’s ever had are clinical and cold. I think of how quickly she rolled on her back and held her legs apart, and how she wouldn’t look at me, and it fills me with a sick sense of helpless rage. Someone was cruel to her in her past, and for that, I want to keffing hurt them.
I get to my feet, and even though the bed was cramped and small, I feel good. Amazing, really. I don’t even mind the birds chirping outside the windows. My mood’s far too pleasant. I wash up in the wash room, and put on the clothing she’s laid out for me, even though it’s all far too small. The crotch rides up, the cuffs on the sleeves are short, and they’re just clothing made for the tiniest of mesakkah—or a huge human. I make the bed before I leave the room, because it seems like the polite thing to do, and then poke my head out, looking for a familiar face and brown hair.
Piper’s in the living area, seated before the window. At first it looks like she’s at a desk, but when I approach, I see that it’s not a desk at all, but a craft station of some kind. She’s embroidering things onto an enormous length of fabric, colors and swirls added by every stitch of her needle. She’s so absorbed in her work that she doesn’t notice me approach, so I clear my throat. She immediately sits up, a hot blush on her cheeks, her gaze skimming over me before dropping. “Good morning.”
I like that fiery blush of hers. Is she thinking about last night? I can still feel the furrows her short little nails dug into my shoulders, and they fill me with masculine pride.
She immediately gets to her feet. “Would you like breakfast? Your people like noodles in the morning, right?”
“Noodles are good for every meal,” I agree. I reach out to touch her, wanting to breathe in her scent, but she sidles away before I can and heads into the small kitchen. Someone’s a bit shy this morning, it seems. “I can make my own food. You don’t have to do it.”
“You’re a guest.”
“Am I back to being a guest, then? I thought last night changed things.” I cross my arms over my chest and regard her.
Her cheeks flush a deeper shade of red and she looks nervous, pulling out a container of water and putting it on the stovetop to heat. “Until you decide if you’re staying, I suppose you’re a guest, right? Or have you made up your mind?”
Neatly trapped. “I…guess I’m a guest.”
Her full mouth thins into a firm line but she nods and won’t look me in the eye.
I guess there’s no more sex this morning. That’s a shame. I will my aching cock to be patient and distract myself with other things, moving over to her project. “What are you doing?”
“Oh.” Piper hesitates for a moment, and then speaks. “I’m, ah, working on a tapestry.”
“A tapestry? Why?”
She shrugs, watching as the water boils, and then takes the flask off the stove, pouring it into an old, chipped bowl and then adding noodles and spices.
“Most people on this end of the galaxy don’t read or write human English. I figured pictures would be a good way to tell my story.”
“Your story?”
“Of how I got here. Of everything that’s happened to me.” She blinks at me with those big, serious eyes, and then shrugs. “I guess I wanted some sort of record of my past. I wanted to tell someone of all the things I’ve gone through. I guess…I want to be seen.” She forces a bright smile to her face as she puts the bowl on the table. “Doesn’t everyone?”
Kef me, but she’s good at making my heart ache for her. “You can tell me about your past.”
“Maybe some other time.” Piper gestures at the bowl. “Please. Eat.”
I sit down and do so, noticing that she doesn’t make her noodles quite the same as everyone else does, but they’re still tasty and fresh, and I eat the whole bowl in moments. She sips a cup of tea, watching me, her eyes guarded.
“Should we talk about last night?” I offer, when she remains quiet.
She moves to the tapestry and folds it up, putting it away. “What about last night?”
I can’t believe I’m the one that has to bring this up. “What happened between us?”
Piper gives me a calm look, tidying the living area. “What happened between us is that I was trying to convince you to stay. I’m showing you what I can offer as a partner.” Her voice is even and casual, but her cheeks are bright pink, betraying her emotions. “Nothing more.”
Such a little liar. “You’ve had sex before, but not like that.”
Her chin lifts. “Is that what you want this morning? To have your ego stroked?”
I chuckle. “No, I’m just curious about you. Has…no one ever touched you like that before?”
Her expression changes from defiance to wariness. “No one out here cares what a human thinks.”
“No one cares what a convict thinks, either.”
She relaxes a little at that, coming to sit at the table with me once more. “Jutari says you broke out of the same prison he did. Was it for the same reasons?”
I eye her, curious if she knows that Jutari was a famed assassin or if he’s told them a much tamer version of his past. I decide to avoid it entirely. “I escaped Haven with my friend Tassar. We were both prisoners of war and instead of being sent home after the conflict ended, we got dumped in with the scum of the galaxy.” I shrug. “Wrong place, wrong time. You learned to toughen up or you didn’t survive for very long.”
“I see.”
I tilt my head, studying her. “You’re not scared of me, are you?” It’s more of a statement than a question. She hasn’t shown a bit of fear towards me, not once. I remember how she skirted wide around the praxiian back at the jail. That one, she was afraid of. But not me.
“Because you came from a prison planet? You were a soldier.”
“That doesn’t mean I was a schoolboy on Haven. Like I said, you did what you had to do to survive. My hands aren’t clean.” It’s as much as I’ll admit to her right now, because I don’t want her to look at me with unease or hate. I want her to look at me again like she did last night when I made her come—I want that look of wonder and bliss in those deep brown eyes.
But Piper shakes her head. “I’ve learned that the people with the best pedigrees or the ones that look great on paper can be the biggest monsters. Some of the people with the worst stories to their name can be the kindest. All that matters to me is how you treat me.”
“And what do you think of how I treated you last night?” I can’t help but ask.
Piper blushes and ducks her head, letting her hair fall in front of her face. It’s charmingly adorable and it makes my cock hard.
“Well, if you were trying to entice me to stay, you did a convincing job.”
Hope flares in her eyes. “Then you’ll—”
“I can’t. I wish I could, but I can’t.”
She looks crushed for a moment, and I feel like a keffing ass for getting her hopes up. I shouldn’t have said anything. “I see.”
“It’s not that I’m not tempted by your offer,” I say. “I just…have somewhere I have to be. Other plans I already committed to.”
Piper gives me a crisp nod, jumping to her feet. “You don’t owe me an explanation. It was a gamble, and every gambler knows they don’t always pay off.” She smooths her hands down her dress. “I’m washing your clothing for you. It’ll be ready shortly and then you can be on your way whenever you like.”
“What about you?”
She gives me a puzzled look. “What about me?”
“What are you going to do?”
“The same thing I always do. Keep on hoping for a better future.” She gives me a tight smile and then heads outside, throwing on a wide-brimmed hat to hide her face from the sun.
I watch her go, heading out to the barn. I should chase after her, help her with the chores. I should promise to stay just long enough to help her with her problems and get her settled.
But I can’t. I’ve promised to do other things and I already have people waiting on me. Maybe after I make my fortune on this run with the va Sithai brothers, I can send some money back to Piper, help her buy some security for this place. Maybe crash here for a while…but it all hinges on actually having credits, and right now I have none. Like it or not, I need this keffing job.
Just because I had mind-blowing, amazing sex with an attractive human last night doesn’t change the fact that I have commitments. Or that I’m not a farmer.
Even so, I glance out the window again, watching her. It’s only been a day but it feels like everything is changing, and I’m not sure what to think anymore.
I need to focus on my goals. I can’t let myself be distracted.
With that thought in mind, I retreat to the bedroom and hook my personal comm—retrieved from the jail with my possessions when I left with Piper—to Piper’s network. I send out the encoded message to the va Sithai brothers, waiting for someone on their ship to pick up. A few minutes pass and I absently scroll through the latest news-cycles from Homeworld. Nothing’s of interest. I could care less about who’s in power or what political scheming there is. None of it means a thing out here on a remote farm planet, and that’s rather refreshing.
My communication is suddenly picked up, and a big face fills the screen. “Well, suck my cock and call me a praxiian, it’s Vordigar. About keffing time you answered, you ugly bastard.” It’s Adiron, an idiot grin on his wide jaw. “Didn’t you get our messages? We’ve been trying to reach you for a keffing week.”
“I was held up. Sorry. Bit of a snag at port, but it’s taken care of now. What’s the status of the job?”
A big hand lands on Adiron’s face and pushes him to the side. Mathiras leans in, scowling in my direction even as he holds Adiron away. “We’ve been waiting on you and all you can say is that you were held up? We need reliable partners on this mission with us.”
Adiron slaps at his brother, and off screen, I can hear another man chuckling. Ironic that these three idiots are talking to me about taking things seriously when they look as if they’re about to start arm-wrestling for control of the communicator like a bunch of children. “Like I said, bit of a snag. Is the job still available?”
“We’re approaching the Jintarr asteroid belt right now. You’re just in time.”
“I am?” I’m surprised to hear that. When we were talking about the job last month, there were no specifics. Just that the brothers were chasing down a rogue group of pirates and skin smugglers—slave traders. They have a personal vendetta against this group, but no one’s shared the details over the comm with me. Even so, they must have discovered something, because…Jintarr’s asteroid belt is not far away from Risda III at all. “You found the men you’re looking for?”
“Yup,” Adiron drawls.
“There’s an old mining station at Kafterra Prime,” Mathiras says, all business even as Adiron punches him in the gut. The third brother, Kaspar, goes around to Adiron’s
other side and gets his brother in a headlock, one hand braced against Adiron’s horns to freeze him in place. They’re both grinning like keffing madmen while Mathiras tries to have a conversation with me.
These three don’t need another crew member. They need a referee.
“Kafterra Prime, okay,” I say. “Doesn’t ring a bell but I’m sure I can find it. You’re looking for a nav, right?” I did some navigation when I was back in the military, though it’s not my favorite thing.
Mathiras gives a sharp nod. “The station’s no longer in use and Kafterra Prime shows as abandoned. At least, it’s supposed to be.”
“There’s a distress signal on the moon, though,” Adiron adds, his voice choked thanks to his brother’s arm around his neck.
“That’s where we think the pirates are hiding out,” Mathiras says. “Sending out distress signals and luring in ships that come through. Seven vessels have gone missing in that particular sector in the last year. It’s obviously them.”
I grunt. “So the plan is that we swoop in and clean house?”
“Collect all those sweet, sweet bounties,” Adiron chokes out.
There’s something about that that sits wrong with me. Maybe those pirates are just trying to live a quiet life in a quiet place and keffing idiots keep showing up to try and collect on them. I think about my own troubles with that sort of thing lately and yeah, it just doesn’t feel right.
“We need a nav and another hand that’s good with a blaster,” Mathiras says. “Since we’re already in the Jintarr system, we can be at port on Risda to pick you up in a few hours.”
“You in?” Kaspar asks, releasing his hold on Adiron with a light slap to his brother’s cheek.
“Hours?” I echo. “That’s…”
“What?” Mathiras crosses his arms, frowning at me. “You said you’d be ready whenever.”
“I did,” I agree. But that was a week ago. I glance out the window as Piper comes into view. The floppy hat hides her face, but I watch as she pulls out a tool and pries open one of her drones, peering at the circuitry. I can tell by the look on her face that she has no clue what she’s staring at, but I can also tell that she’s determined to fix it, whatever the problem is.