When She Purrs: A Risdaverse Romance Read online

Page 13

  He’s had plenty of opportunities to do all kinds of dreadful things to me and he’s been kind at every point.

  It just reinforces that this is something I very much want to do.

  So I swallow hard and hold up the stun-cuffs. “Before you get started, I would like to offer you a deal.”

  “Your timing is terrible, Kim,” he growls.

  “Actually I thought my timing was pretty good.” I’m still breathless, even though we’re no longer training. It’s his nearness that does it to me. “I was thinking…I know I cuffed you before, but what if you let me cuff you again?”

  He seems cranky, his tail swishing just wildly enough that it flicks into the shower spray. He still stands in front of the water, not quite in it. “Why?”

  “Because then I wouldn’t be scared.”

  Nassakth’s expression darkens. “Did I frighten you somehow—”

  “No. So, ah…” I chew on my lip. “I was thinking about sex. And how when you reached for me, I freaked. So then I thought maybe if you were cuffed I wouldn’t panic, and then we could kiss and like…do other things and learn each other.” My heart’s pounding in my chest and I feel like such an idiot. “You know what, never mind—”

  I turn to leave.

  His hand touches my arm. “Wait.”

  “It was just a stupid idea,” I babble. Of course he wouldn’t want to be cuffed again. The last time I cuffed him he had an awful night. I still remember him calling me a torturer, and how miserable he was. God, why didn’t I think of that? “Really—”

  “Kim.” Nassakth’s voice brooks no argument. “Be quiet for a moment.”

  My jaw snaps shut as he takes the cuffs from my hands. Behind me, I hear the water turn off. Nassakth puts a hand on my shoulder, skating down my bare arm, and I shiver. He leans over me from behind, and it’s similar to how close we were in the training room…but it feels so, so different now.

  I can feel the length of his cock pressing against my skin. I’m not scared, either. I’m just…nervous and clenching and jittery.

  He slides an arm around my shoulders, tucking me against him, and then holds the cuffs in front of our faces. “So…your plan is to cuff me so you can kiss on me without me grabbing you?”

  “Maybe it’s not the best plan,” I breathe.

  “I am touching you right now,” he points out. “Why do we need cuffs? Explain.”

  “So I don’t panic. So I feel like I’m the one in control of the situation.”

  “I see.” He nuzzles at my ear and my body prickles in response. “You know I can break them at any time?”

  “I know. It’s just…the illusion of control. Like I said, it was a dumb idea—”

  “It is not dumb. You want a way to feel powerful against me so your bad memories do not interfere. I understand this.” He nips at the shell of my ear. “And I accept.”

  Then he reaches over me and snaps one of the cuffs around a wrist, and gestures for me to take the free-hanging one.

  “I am yours. Where do you want me?”

  Oh god. I didn’t think this far ahead. I’m filled with panic…and just a little bit of excitement. Okay, a lot of excitement. Not everything that’s pulsing through me is fear. I take the cuff and look around the steamy bathroom, trying to decide. Back to the bed? But if I cuff his hands behind his back, that might be painful. Not the bed, then. There’s no headboard to use, either. My gaze slides to the tub, and then back to the shower. There’s a tile seat in the corner, just large enough for someone to sit and relax under the spray. I guide him toward it. “Right here, I think.”

  “Your voice is trembling,” he says gently.

  “I’m really, really nervous.”

  “Why? You are not the one cuffed.” He leans over and presses a kiss to my shoulder before moving past me to stand in front of the seat. He turns his back to me and holds both wrists to the small of his back, waiting for me to finish cuffing him. “Remember, Kim, you are in control.”

  “Right.” This is my party. He’s going to let me do whatever I want. I wait for my body to flood with the feeling of power, but all I have is more anxiety. “Let’s do a safe word, okay? If you’re not having fun, say ‘Slapjack.’ If I’m not having fun, I’ll do the same, and then we’ll just call it a day.”

  “Very well.”

  I lock the cuff around his other wrist, and notice just how huge his arms are. His thick wrists barely fit inside the cuffs, and his forearms and biceps are freaking tree trunks. I hesitate, then reach up and trace my fingers over those big arms, just because. “Sometimes I can’t get over how strong you are,” I whisper.

  “It means I can protect you from everything.”

  That is somehow the perfect answer. I’m breathless as he turns around and sits, his tail flicking once before lying still next to his thigh. He watches me, waiting.


  I can do whatever I want with this man and he’ll let me. He’s naked, willing…and mine. If I tell him to just pleasure me with his mouth, he will. If I want to just explore his body with my hands, I can. If I want to lather him up and wash him because he’s a dirty, dirty boy, I’m in control.

  The last thought makes me giggle.

  Nassakth arches a furry eyebrow at me.

  “I think I’m going to wash you,” I say to him. Because then I can put my hands on him everywhere, with purpose. It’s a flimsy excuse to touch him, but right now it feels like the best idea ever.

  “Will you wash all of me?”

  I reach over and poke his nose. “That’s for me to decide, isn’t it?”

  He grins, and that first flood of power hits me. That’s right. I’m totally in control here. I can do whatever the heck I want, as much as I want…or as little.

  He’s my willing playground.



  I get a cloth and soap, my heart pounding. I’m really going to do this. I’m going to have my way with the praxiian husband I’ve acquired and sworn I just wanted to be friends with. Man, I am really not good at being “just friends.” I glance over at him as I turn the water on and let it run over my arms, dampening the cloth and then soaping it up. I take a few deep breaths to shore up my bravery and then move over to him.

  I can’t resist touching him. He just looks so…inviting. His big shoulders seem like rocks, and yet I find that enticing rather than terrifying. It’s like all this strength is mine to command, instead of it being used against me. “Let me know if any of this is not okay,” I remind him.

  “Slapjack,” he grunts. “I remember.”

  I nod and press the cloth against his arm. He’s less furry here, and it’s like some great galactic designer decided that these arms were far too impressive to cover up, so they’re bulging and bare, his skin dappled the same shade of gray as his fur. I smooth the cloth up and down his arm as a test drive and then move to the other. As I do, my breasts practically hang in Nassakth’s face, and I watch as his expression grows hot and fierce with need. His eyelids become heavy, and his gaze locks onto my breasts, his warm breath caressing my skin.

  But he doesn’t touch me. He wants to give me my space.

  It makes me feel even more daring. I lean in more, rubbing the cloth over his shoulders, and this time, I press my tits right into his face as I pretend to scrub his back.

  He lets out a low groan.

  My nipples harden, and I suck in a breath. I want to turn and offer one to his mouth, to have him suck on it until I’m squirming and pulsing between my thighs, but…I need to take this time and get used to his body first. The less intimidating he seems to me, the more comfortable I’ll be with him.

  So I lean back, moving the soapy cloth over his front. I head down his side, noting there’s a bit of striping pattern on his skin over his ribs, just like a tabby cat back on Earth. How charming. The same pattern is on his thighs, and I slide the cloth over them, feeling the strong muscles. I’m deliberately ignoring the elephant in the room…or rather, the ele
phant trunk between his thighs. Plenty of time for that, I promise myself. For now, I just stroke and pet and touch him. He’s big. I knew that, of course, but training with him just emphasized how strong he is compared to me. When he pressed his big body up against mine, his hands swallowed mine. His arms looked like tree trunks compared to my own. Everything about him was oversized and powerful, and my clumsy stabs with the sword just reminded me that I could be utterly helpless against him. That he could break me like a twig without a second thought.

  “Kim,” Nassakth murmurs. “I am bound. You are safe.”

  I blink in surprise and realize that I’m panting with fear, my fists clenched on his thighs. Right. This is Nassakth. He’s gentle. He’s let himself be cuffed by me twice now, all because he doesn’t want to scare me. “Will you talk to me while I touch you?” I ask him. “It helps.”

  “What would you like for me to speak of?”

  “Anything.” I run the cloth lightly along the inside of his thigh. The fur increases the closer I get to his groin, I note, but there’s no striping there.

  “Your perimeter bots are outdated. I will need to special order some parts from a szzt junk dealer I know on a nearby moon. He overcharges, but he’s always got the right stock—”


  He blinks down at me, his pupils blown, his eyelids heavy. “Yes, my Kim?”

  “Maybe we don’t talk about bots.” I reach out and brush my knuckles along the underside of his cock. “Talk to me about…other things. Things like you and me.”

  He groans, his eyes closing. “Shall I tell you how good you feel right now?”

  “That’s a start,” I whisper, and trace my fingertips up and down a thick vein that travels nearly the length of his cock. He’s pretty normal down here, which is nice. Maybe the head’s a bit more prominent than a human dick, and he’s larger overall, but there’s nothing terrifying. “No barbs, thank goodness,” I murmur.


  “Cats back home…they have barbs on their cocks to anchor the female to them.”

  “Ah.” The syllable sounds choked.

  “You’re nice, though. You feel…soft. Well, not soft, exactly,” I stammer. “Velvety and warm. You’re hard, but you’re gloved in softness, if that makes sense.”

  “We are born with barbs,” he manages. “They are removed at birth. It is considered…barbaric to our females to keep them.”

  Kind of like circumcision back home. I nod, stroking my fingertips up and down his length. I travel up to the head and then lean in to give him a cautious lick on the tip.

  I can feel his entire body stiffen, and I panic, skittering backward a few feet. I relax, though, when I see his face is tight, his shoulders tense, but there’s no other reaction. A bead of pre-cum slides down the impressive crown of his cock and I cautiously inch back toward him, wanting to taste that. “Can I put my mouth on you?”

  “I would like it very much if you did.” He’s practically growling the words, but they don’t sound scary. They sound…exciting.

  “I should have asked before.”

  “Kim, you do not have to ask me for anything. I have a safe word, remember?”

  Right. “It’s just that…consent is so important.”

  “I know. I promise, I know.” He gives me an achingly sweet look. “You have all of mine.”

  I curl my fingers around his shaft—or I try to. He’s so thick that my fingertips don’t quite meet. Instead of being terrifying, it makes me feel hollow and achy inside, in all the best ways. He would absolutely be a tight fit at first, but then it would feel so, so good. I know it would. I slide my fingers up and down his length, not pumping, just caressing, as if I can’t quite figure out what I’m going to do with him. Truth is, I know exactly what I want to do. Is it weird to cuff a man and then blow him? Because that’s kind of what I want to do. I want to learn his body. I want to see how he reacts when he comes. I want to feel that power over him, to know I’m the one in charge of his pleasure. I know this moment is supposed to be about me, and in a way, it is. I’m more interested in getting rid of my fear than I am of my own pleasure. One will follow the other.

  I shift my weight on my knees and look him in the eyes, my fingers resting lightly on him. “I’m going to take you in my mouth. Just…try and be still, all right? I’m jumpy enough as it is.”

  He nods, gaze intense. “Do what you like. I will remain silent.”

  I feel like he understands. I smile up at Nassakth, feeling lucky that he’s so understanding…and then I lower my head.



  Kim rests on her knees between my thighs, her breath on my skin, and even though I promised to remain quiet, it is…difficult. I want to tell her how beautiful she is, how the sight of her like this is more than I have ever dreamed for myself, how I am the luckiest of males.

  But then she takes the head of my cock into her mouth and then there are no words.

  I fight back the groan of sheer pleasure that threatens to erupt from my throat and maintain my silence, sweating as she explores my cock with her tongue. Her soft lips are closed around the head, her mouth enveloping me, and I cannot stop staring down at her, watching her expression as she takes me in. My cock looks far too large for her small mouth, which is incredibly arousing on its own, but even more arousing than that are the expressions Kim makes as she licks and suckles me. Her eyes are half-closed, as if she loses herself in the moment, and she makes soft little sounds in her throat even as her tongue teases. She is lost in the moment, and she is…enjoying herself.

  There is no greater gift.

  She cannot take much of my cock into her mouth; I am too big, her mouth too small. I watch her, fascinated, as she realizes this and pops the head out of her mouth, her lips shiny and pink, and she curls her fingers at the base. That small touch sends a tremor shivering through the base of my spine, and I can practically feel my sac filling with seed.

  “You’re so big,” she whispers, licking the tip of my cock and looking up at me. “I don’t think I can do this right.”

  “Everything you do is perfect,” I rasp. My hips twitch, as if desperate to jerk in response to her touch, and it takes all that I am to remain still. “Your touch is more than enough.”

  “I want to give you more,” she admits shamelessly. Kim leans in and licks the underside of my cock in a blatant show. “I want to make you come.”

  I groan then, the breath heaving from my lungs. “Then keep touching me.”

  “Am I doing it right? To please you? I don’t know how praxiians touch.” Her hand tightens at the base of my cock and she squeezes, then gives a little pump with her fist.

  “Just…like…that.” I fight back a snarl of pleasure. She has asked me to be silent, but when she pauses and looks up at me again for approval, I decide I will tell her my thoughts and watch her face to see if I am overstepping. “It is a cock,” I say through gritted teeth. “Every lick of your tongue, every touch of your hands…these are things I have dreamed of. I love watching you take me in your mouth. It makes me want to spill all over that pretty pink tongue of yours.”

  Kim gasps, and in the next moment, her mouth is on the head of my cock again, and she sucks on it, her hands working my shaft even as she gazes up at me with hungry eyes. She likes my words. Wants more of them.

  “The thing I like best is not your tongue—” I bite back the words because she flicks that smooth, naughty little tongue against the underside and distracts me. Kef, but I do like her tongue. I struggle to focus, and when she makes a little moaning sound around my cock, I remember my words. “What I like best is not your touch…though that is incredible…but the way you look when you touch me. Your eyes are soft and hungry, my Kim. You make little noises of pleasure in your throat as you take my cock into your mouth. And I bet if my hands were free and I could touch between those soft thighs of yours, I’d find you wet, wouldn’t I?”

  Kim moans again, the sound muffled around my
cock. She sucks me eagerly, creating suction around the head that feels so intense that stars dance behind my eyes. Breathing becomes difficult, and my lungs heave like bellows as her hands move up and down my shaft, working my length even as her mouth works my tip. She makes more noises of pleasure, and my body tightens when she turns, ever so slightly, and starts to rub her breasts against my thigh.

  “You like this, don’t you,” I growl, fascinated when her hips rock involuntarily. “You like having me under your control, helpless, because then you can have your way with me. You can do whatever you want to me and feed your needs. You can sate your desires and know that you’re completely, utterly safe because I can’t touch you. I’m trapped and helpless against that sweet, slick mouth of yours.”

  She whimpers, working me faster, her gaze flicking to my face, and my hips twitch, desperate to rise off my seat in the shower and pump into her hot mouth.

  “I’m yours, Kim,” I manage, voice strained. “Do you want me to come?” When she moans, I flex ever so slightly, pumping into the well of her mouth despite my efforts to stay still. “On your…tongue?” I groan as she squeezes me tighter. “Or…on your…chest?”

  The head of my cock pops free from her mouth and she swirls that pink little tongue around the tip, over and over. “Come on my chest,” she whispers, then pushes herself forward. She drags me closer, squeezes one arm under her breasts as she does, and then pushes my cock between them.

  It is the most obscene, most perfect thing I have ever seen. She traps my length between her breasts, and when I thrust, the head peeks out from her flesh, violently purple against her pale skin. The sight of it is utterly profane and I am lost. With another jerky thrust, my release boils forth and I spill all over her, seed spurting for what feels like hours as the pleasure washes over me.