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When She's Bold: A Risdaverse Novella Page 2
When She's Bold: A Risdaverse Novella Read online
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Lie time, then.
I get to my feet, slowly picking up my tongs. "I'll leave this container with you and pick it up tomorrow when I come into town." I smile at the two alien men and give them a nod, and then pause dramatically in front of Rektar's desk. "Oh, while I think about it, can I ask you something? I'm not super familiar with alien etiquette, but maybe you can help me."
His gaze is on my tits, and when I turn to look at him, he straightens, his face flushing that deep shade of blue as he sits stiffly in his chair. "Ask away."
"I've noticed that men have been walking the perimeter of my property recently. No one's said anything, but I keep finding footprints. I'm just curious…do you suppose that whoever is hanging around is shy? Should I invite them in for tea and muffins?" I bat my eyes innocently, toying with a lock of hair. I feel like the most obvious woman on Risda III, but subtle isn't getting me anywhere with Rektar.
A look of concern crosses Rektar's face. He gets to his feet, a scowl on his lips. "Someone is staking out your property?"
"Oh, I don't know if they're staking it out," I continue in a bright, cheery voice. "Maybe they're just waiting for the right opportunity to say hello."
The men exchange a look. "Perhaps you should check out the colonist's farm after all," Khex says, and I could just kiss him. "It might not hurt to ensure her safety."
"My safety?" I feign ignorance. I know the score. All the humans living on Risda III do. We know we're being targeted by other aliens. When the humans arrived here as refugees, we were granted tracts of land, a basic home, and refurbished farming equipment. Apparently this has stuck in the craw of a lot of aliens, because ever since, women have been turning up missing, with their farms “signed over” to new owners. Or women have shown up with alien husbands they didn't want, but no one listens to a woman alone, much less a human woman alone. I know that if someone's stalking my property, I'm in danger.
No one has been. That's the big lie, and I feel terribly guilty for pretending otherwise. And yet…Rektar gets to his feet.
Maybe a teensy white lie never hurt anyone.
"I am certain it is nothing to be concerned over, colonist," Rektar says in an utterly kind voice as he looks at me. His gaze goes soft, and for a moment, he watches me with such yearning that my heart jumps in my throat. This is what I want. This big, oversized alien with the enormous hands, protective nature, and the hungry gaze when he looks at me. I want someone like this.
"But you'll come out and take a look?" I ask, voice husky.
"I will." He clips a weapon to his belt, nods at Khex, and then moves to my side. His enormous hand goes to the small of my back, and I swear I'm going to swoon. "Lead the way," he tells me.
I wonder if it'd be too obvious if I led him directly to my bedroom.
It's difficult being alone with the human in my air-sled. Lucy left hers in town, claiming she's happy to return to Port later and finish her errands. My air-sled is of a more recent design than hers—military issue—and she exclaims over it, touching the panels and wiggling in the seat across from me as if it's the most comfortable ride she's ever had. She wiggles and her large breasts jiggle, and I sweat despite myself. The acrid floral scent of her perfume is killing my nose, but I endure it, because this is what I've dreamed about—being alone with Lucy.
Granted, in my dreams, Lucy is wearing considerably less and touching below-the-belt parts of me instead of just sitting in an air-sled together. But I'll still take it. On those late nights when I'm feeling lonely, it'll provide ample fuel for my rendezvous with my hand.
I glance over at Lucy as she talks animatedly about her crops. Her skin is a rich golden-brown shade that just begs to be touched. Her hair falls in soft waves around her shoulders, teasing at the low neckline of her clothing. She smiles a lot, too, and I love that she's so happy. Many of the humans here on Risda III are traumatized by their experiences, and they tend to cringe back from strangers, or avoid us entirely. They don't trust aliens, don't trust the law, and while it's understandable, it also makes for a frustrating time. Lucy seems as if she's the type that finds pleasure in any situation, and I appreciate that. I also appreciate how she talks and talks and doesn't expect me to say anything. I've never been much for talking—but I do like to listen.
I especially like to listen when it's Lucy. She's just…so pretty. I'd never seen a human before landing on Risda III, and most of them are fragile-looking creatures that seem as if they could be broken if touched the wrong way. Lucy is all rounded curves, though, and something tells me that despite her small stature, she'd not break as easily as the others.
That shameful thought fuels many of my self-pleasuring sessions, I confess.
"What do you think?" Lucy asks, glancing over at me. She blinks her big, dark eyes in my direction and leans over, giving me another ample view of her breasts.
I try to recall what she was talking about, but all I can think of is her glorious cleavage, and how soft she looks. How soft all of her looks. Are they sensitive, those breasts? I wonder. All human females have them, but Lucy's are more prominent than most. "Of?"
"My perimeters?" She gestures at her farm as we approach, smiling. "Does it look safe to you?"
"It's impossible to tell from up here. I'll do a scan for DNA traces when we get below."
"Will that work?" Lucy tilts her head, regarding me.
"It should. It's the breast way to find out if you've had interlopers." I spot her small house and steer it down toward the clearing in front of her door. It's not until I turn the air-sled off that I realize I said “breast” and not “best.” Kef me. My ears grow hot and I resist the urge to rub them. I swallow hard, unable to look over at her. "I'll get started."
Before she can say anything, I get out of the air-sled and pull out my equipment, doing my best to seem busy.
Lucy doesn't comment on my slip-up, though. She watches me for a few minutes, sighs, and then heads inside her house as I begin to scan the premises. The nervous sweat on my body fades as she walks away, and I want to kick myself. Why can't I talk to her like a normal male? Why is it I get so very tongue-tied when she shows up? She doesn't hate me. She must not. She bakes for myself and Khex every day, and stops in regularly to talk to us. We've never asked her to do any of it.
I wish I could be certain if it meant more. That she showed up regularly because she wants to talk to me. That she enjoys being around me like I enjoy being around her…but I know that's not true. All of the human-interaction training we received stressed that humans are shy, easily frightened creatures. While this doesn't exactly fit what I know of Lucy, I suspect I am wrong in this matter. She would never look at a mesakkah—one of the alien races that have enslaved her people—as a potential suitor.
Especially not a male like me, who is not particularly handsome, or smart. I'm strong, but I'm also so solidly built that this will not be in my favor. My size will just terrify her even more, and so I must tread carefully.
I pass by the house as I continue to scan the grounds, my handheld reader sending beams out, searching for strands of DNA. I filter out the results, removing any human traces, and watch the screen as it processes the information received. As I do, I glance over at the house. Lucy is inside, in the kitchen, chopping something with a large knife. She looks frustrated, a frown on her pretty face as she works, and mutters something under her breath. She looks up and glances over at me.
She smiles, too, but there is confusion on her face.
Kef me. I remember my training and drop my gaze, not wishing to startle her. "Almost done. I just need to check the barn."
"Oh, okay. You can come in if you like?"
And intimidate her in her domicile? My training suggested it would only frighten the humans more. "No, I do not want."
"I see."
"I am quite content out here." I nod and turn away, heading for the barn.
Good god almigh
ty, the man is shy.
I frown in frustration at the knife I'm holding, wondering if I looked too aggressive. Do I look like a crazy, knife-wielding man-hungry human? Maybe that's why he's avoiding me. He wasn't very chatty on the way here, and I was hoping he'd loosen up if we rode together. Instead, he just clammed up even more. It's frustrating, because I like what I've seen of the man, and I want to see more so I can like even more…but he seems determined to avoid me.
Perhaps I've misread him and the situation and everything and I should give up on my silly little crush. Turning back to the cutting board on the counter, I continue chopping the tahaari root, attacking it with renewed energy. When in doubt, I bake. Tahaari root is a local tuber that tastes a lot like cinnamon and yams, so I'm going to make a pie.
If that man doesn't like my pie…well, I'll just eat it. And then I'll give up.
I glance out the window and inwardly wince as he heads for the barn, his beeping doohickey in his hands. Scanning for DNA to see if I've had intruders. It's a fruitless task, since I know very well that I lied about being bothered just so he could swing by and I could spend time with him. I thought maybe if I got him alone, I could break through some of that shyness. Make him realize what a fine-ass woman I am and how he needs to snap me up.
I sigh, looking around my spotless tiny house. No one's gonna snap me up, it seems.
I had such high hopes, too. Cleaned my house, wore new panties, and sprayed fresh perfume. My old master—a crotchety old mesakkah—told me that humans stank to alien noses, and so I constantly had to wear perfume around him and change my clothes. I've been doing the same around Rektar in the hopes that he won't mind my scent, but it doesn't seem to be working. I even brought my dirty laundry out to the barn so he wouldn't smell it if he came inside.
I cringe, realizing he's about to go to the barn and get a big ol' whiff of my dirty clothes. Shit. I stare down at the root I'm cutting and want to throw it all aside. Why bother? I'm just going to end up alone.
Frustrated, I put my knife aside and pick up a bit of root, nibbling on the chunk as I glance out the window to the barn. If the man isn't interested, I wish he'd just give me a sign.
* * *
The barn smells like her.
A groan escapes me as I walk through the doors and Lucy's scent pierces through the myriad smells. Her unpleasant perfume is there, and so is the scent of the meat-stock she keeps in her barn, but I stagger toward the basket of colorful clothing near the doors, hunting one particular scent. It's a scent that can't be ignored, no matter the other smells around it. I reach into the basket and pull out what must be an undergarment of some kind.
It smells thickly of musk.
I groan again, closing my eyes. Put it down, Rektar. Just put it down and walk away. It isn't yours.
I don't put it down, though. I put her undergarment in my pocket, keeping it for later so I can do shameful, shameful things to it. Lucy's scent is incredible, wafting through the air around me. If I close my eyes, I can imagine touching her slick cunt, feeling those juices for myself as she soaks my fingers and my tongue…
…and kef me, I'm as hard as steel.
I fight the urge to drop my trou right here. Just wrap that scrap of material around my cock and rub myself until I come. But…I have to get answers for her first. What kind of protector would I be if I ignored her needs?
Needs. Just thinking about Lucy's needs makes my knees weak.
I must focus. Must do my duty. Lucy's safety depends on it. She's counting on me to make her safe, to check over her farm and ensure she will not be harmed. Resolutely, I start my scanner up again, determined to ignore the enticing scent wafting around me. I growl as it chirps with confirmation, pulling up a DNA match for a local smuggler who's been in and out of Port's tiny jail cell more often than I like to think. The fact that he's staking out Lucy makes me angry. So angry I could break something. Clenching my jaw, I scan for other profiles, and when I'm satisfied that only one is a problem, I return to her door and knock.
"It's open," Lucy calls out from the next room. "It's not like I have anywhere to go."
"I will stand out here," I insist, waiting on the small step of her porch. It would not do for me to invade her home and make her feel ill at ease.
She appears in the doorway, frowning at me, her hands on her hips. "I swear you're determined to hurt my feelings today, aren't you?"
"Your feelings?" I am taken aback. "It isn't proper for me to go inside—protocol says—"
Lucy waves a hand in the air, dismissing my concerns. "Forget I said anything, officer. Just let me put away my dough and you can take me back to town." She walks away from the door, leaving me standing outside.
I lean in over the threshold, watching her as she heads into the small kitchen. Something in there smells fragrant and delicious, and Lucy smells like soap instead of her perfume. My cock instantly hardens again, and I think about the undergarment tucked into the front of my vest. I'm absolutely going to use it tonight. I won't be able to stop myself. Just like I can't stop staring at Lucy as she moves, her rounded hips swaying as she puts away things on the countertop. Her hair brushes over her shoulders and looks so silky I want to run my fingers through it. "Don't…don't you want to know what I found?"
She turns and puts a hand on one hip. "Let me guess, nothing?" There's a wry look on her face. "It's fine."
"Actually…" I pull up the scanner and hold it out to her. "You were correct. There is a male who is visiting your property without authority."
Her face pales, her expression changing instantly. Her eyes go wide. "Do…what?"
"Your assumptions were correct," I restate, wondering if I need to avert my gaze. She seems a little alarmed. "There is a male who has been in your barn recently. The DNA match is for a known criminal by the name of Mezzak Sta'Iq. Do you know this male?"
Lucy leans heavily on the counter. "No," she admits after a moment. "I don't. He was…here?"
"Within the last week, correct."
"In my barn?"
I glance behind me. "Unless I scanned the wrong one?"
She thinks for a minute and then pulls out a chair and sits down heavily. "Well, fuck." She cradles her head in her hands, silent for a long time, and I begin to feel uncomfortable, standing out on the step and watching her.
"Might I come in?" I ask, hesitant.
Lucy nods, not looking up. Her face is still hidden from my sight.
I take a cautious step inside, and when she doesn't panic, I remember that she rode in the much-smaller air-sled with me with no apparent issues, so perhaps there is some trust between us. I pull out the chair opposite her and sit at the small, rickety table. It's not made for a male of my size, and I might break the chair if I sit in it for too long, but she seems to need company. I watch her, trying to think. What would comfort an upset human?
I get to my feet and find a cup, fill it with water, and then return to her side. Her gorgeous dark hair has fallen forward, obscuring her face and shoulder, and I itch to touch it. And her.
When I set the cup down, Lucy straightens, and her eyes are reddened and wet with tears. She takes a deep, steadying breath and wipes the dampness off her cheeks. "All right. That was unexpected, but I guess I deserve it."
"Unexpected?" I ask. "I thought you wished for me to establish—"
She waves a hand in the air, breaking in. "I just mean that I wasn't really sure. I thought I'd be safe this close to town. And the farm next to me is Tessa's. It's empty all the time." Lucy looks up at me. "You met her. She's the one with the cyborg husband. They spend most of their time on Three Nebulas."
"I know of them. I married them." As one of the custodians of Risda III (and Port especially), it's my duty to assist with civil matters. I remember the day particularly because Lucy had worn flowers in her hair and she'd been utterly beautiful. I think I fell in love with her that day, because she'd smiled and smiled, and it made me happy just to look at her.
Not that I could ever admit such a thing. I clear my throat. "Has Tessa complained of strangers trespassing?"
"No?" Lucy shrugs, her expression a bit lost. "I haven't talked to her about any of it. I run her farm for her and we split the proceeds."
"And what of the perimeter alarms? Are those working properly?"
"You mean like a security fence? I don't have one." She looks dazed. I push the water toward her and she takes it, wetting her lips and then just holding the cup in her hands. "I thought I was safe this close to town. No one would bother me if I'm right under your noses, you know? And I've been here for over two years with no issues…"
"Why do you not have a security fence?" It seems like a basic need to me, given how dangerous this galaxy can be for humans. And Lucy is not stupid. She is well aware of the danger.
"I thought I was safe enough, close to town. And…" She gives me a wry, hesitant look. "I was saving up."
"For?" I prompt. Surely a security fence would be the thing someone in her position would need the most.
Lucy hesitates, running a slim finger along the edge of her mug. Human fingers are so delicate compared to mesakkah, and I find myself staring at those five slender digits, comparing them to my four. "You're going to think I'm stupid."
"I won't."
She pauses for a moment longer and then gives me a small smile. "A baby." Her tone is reverent. "It's lonely out here, you know? My closest neighbor only shows up twice a year, and even going into town doesn't do that much when no one else goes in very often." She shrugs and looks down at her mug again. "I've always wanted a family, and I'd love to not be so…alone. I would love someone to take care of. I thought a baby might solve some of those needs, you know?" She shrugs her shoulders. "Lord va'Rin's wife has a doctor that can help human women get pregnant. Just shoots them up with fertility hormones and then they can have half-alien babies. So I was saving up for that."