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When She Purrs: A Risdaverse Romance Page 21
When She Purrs: A Risdaverse Romance Read online
Page 21
He leans down and gives me a smacking kiss and then immediately draws back. "I—I am sorry. I did not mean to press you."
"It's okay." I resist the urge to touch my lips, or to lick them and taste the memory of his mouth. "Go and call Bethiah."
The determined smile on his face tells me we've made the right decision.
"Well well well, if it isn't my favorite couple!" Bethiah says cheerfully as we meet her in port. She has a pack tossed over one shoulder and is wearing her favorite dark jumper, weapons strapped to her waist and her braids piled high into a knot between her horns.
"More like your favorite wallet," I mutter as I stand close to Nassakth.
Bethiah just chuckles at my joke. "Is there a difference?"
In her eyes, there probably isn't. I glance up at Nassakth, but his expression is distant, his gaze locked on one of the ships landing on a designated strip. He's been like this for days, ever since Bethiah made the contact call and set up the terms for the meeting. He's distracted, lost in his own thoughts.
It makes it weirdly easy for us to have our “space,” but I'm growing rather tired of it. The next time Nassakth asks to kiss me, or hold me, or sleep with me, I've told myself I'm going to say yes. All he has to do is ask…but he hasn't. He's been so distracted with the thought of meeting his parents and all of the hoops we're jumping through to hide who and what we are that there's been no time to examine our personal relationship more closely.
It kinda sucks.
But, I tell myself, this is temporary, and Nassakth wants answers. I understand that, and so here I am, with him and a bounty hunter, waiting to board a spaceship to go meet my praxiian in-laws. Sometimes I think it'd be easier to just retreat back to my noli farm and hide from the world, but I can't. I don't want Nassakth heading out to confront them alone. Someone needs to be on his side, and Bethiah's only trustworthy as long as the credits keep flowing.
A ship circles around port overhead and then flips on its thrusters, blue-green flames shooting forth from underneath the wings as it lowers. "There's our ride," Bethiah calls cheerfully.
I wrinkle my nose at the sight of it. "That? It looks like a piece of crap." It's large, sure, but the squatty wings look like they've got rust on the edges and I'm pretty sure a metal panel on the nose is coming up.
"It's a Class IV Freighter. Very reliable," Bethiah says cheerfully. "And best of all, this crew won't ask questions."
"That's the crew we want," My mate's voice is distant.
"If you say so." I watch as the ship settles on the landing strip and then a ramp lowers from the fat, rounded belly of the thing. A mesakkah male with big, shiny horns bounds down the ramp and talks to one of the uniformed port workers that appears with a datapad in hand, taking notes.
Bethiah strides forward, all confidence. Nassakth puts his arm around my shoulders, tugging me closer to him. "Are you sure you want to do this, my mate? I will understand if you wish to stay home."
The chicken part of me does. It absolutely wants to toss a peace sign into the air and take a sled right back home, because home is safe. Space is where the slavers roam and people treat humans like dogs…or sex toys. Ugh. But I don't want Nassakth to go alone, so I hook my hand into his belt, holding onto him, and shake my head. "No, I'll go with you. Besides, all the bots are busy harvesting the noli, so it's not like I'm needed right now."
Even the lie sounds stupid the moment it comes off my lips.
"I do not care about the crops," Nassakth tells me, glancing down at my too-smiley face. "I care about whether or not you are comfortable."
I bite back a sigh. "We both know humans aren't treated the best. By anyone. Like you said, everyone's going to think I'm your pet and you're some sort of sexual deviant for toting me around. They're going to give you weird looks…or worse, try to buy me from you. I just need to get my brain wrapped around heading back into that environment again. It'll be fine."
I'm willing to do it for him. I…trust him. Dammit. I realize I still trust him even though he buried one of my suitors in the backyard and didn't tell me about it. To think I've been sleeping alone all this last week for nothing. That's irritating.
"I will not let anyone treat you badly," Nassakth tells me. "I have decided that you are my mate, and I will tell any and all that ask that you are my mate. And if anyone tries to touch a praxiian's mate, no law will protect them." He bristles, looking positively fierce.
I soften. "You don't have to do that."
"I do. It is the truth. Why would I hide the truth from anyone?"
"To make things easier?"
"Easier for me, you mean, but not easier for you." He shakes his head. "I will not sacrifice your comfort for mine."
I smile up at him. "You're a good man. Are we…are we quartering together on the ship?"
"We must." His expression is stoic. "I will sleep on the floor, however. There is no need for you to be uncomfortable."
I bite my lip and smile up at him. "Or you can sleep with me."
Nassakth gazes down at me, eyes dark. "You want that?"
"I would like it, yes," I say shyly.
He leans in, his brushed mane tickling against my face as he moves in to whisper in my ear. "You are going to make it difficult for me to walk aboard this ship, aren't you? My cock is going to knock these fools out of the way if it grows any harder."
I giggle at that. "Try to keep your warrior under control, please. I'm not fond of others looking at what's mine."
His eyes grow warm and I can hear him purring. He strokes my shoulders and then rests his hand on the back of my neck, a possessive gesture I like far too much. "Come, then," Nassakth murmurs. "We should greet the crew before Bethiah shakes them down for more credits."
"I'm looking forward to the day we never have to see that woman again," I murmur to him.
"As am I."
We head toward the ship, and I fight down any nervousness fluttering in my belly. I trust Nassakth. He'll keep me safe. There's no need to be anxious about space flight. It's just a quick hop over to Rakhar Station, a seedy sort of place orbiting an equally seedy planet a few systems over. No big deal.
The big mesakkah crew member strolls forward as we approach. He seems to be a guarded sort, his expression unreadable. He wears a gray, form-fitting tunic tucked into a weapon belt and his trou are equally tight, showing off a muscular form. His gaze flicks over me briefly, and then settles on Nassakth. "You are our travelers?"
Interesting how he's included me in that comment. Travelers, not just traveler. Already I feel a little better.
"I am Nassakth," my mate says proudly. "This is my mate, Kim."
I don't speak up, not until I know how I'm going to be treated. Some aliens don't react kindly to humans talking, after all.
The mesakkah nods. "I am Mathiras and this is my ship, the Little Sister. Welcome aboard."
These men are pirates. Corsairs.
It should not surprise me, given that Bethiah has likely chosen a crew she has worked with in the past, one that will not ask questions of a praxiian living on the fringes of the known galaxy. One that is accompanied by a human mate. But it still makes me uneasy. A pirate cannot be trusted. I do not want to put Kim in danger.
These pirates do not seem too unpleasant, though. As we board the ship, I see one studying navigation charts on a screen while another tries to tickle Bethiah, who looks less than thrilled. I am less afraid of a tickling sort of pirate, it seems.
The one called Mathiras leads us through the ship, pointing out necessary locations, like the mess hall, the bridge, and common room, if we wish to get to know the crew during their downtime.
"Our crew is only three at this time," Mathiras explains. "My brother Kaspar is taking over navigation duties as our sister recently mated and went to live on her mate's ship."
"Felicitations," I say absently. "Where are our quarters?"
thiras pauses. "I have prepared a chamber for yourself and your mate, but I did want to ask—will Bethiah be joining you? I know it is praxiian custom to share rooms, but I also know it is not human custom."
"She's not joining us," Kim cuts in quickly. "If you can find another room for her, that'd be ideal." My mate steps closer to me, pursing her lips, as if she regrets speaking.
A ghost of a smile crosses the pirate's face. "Cannot say I blame you on that one. I can prepare a second cabin for her. Come this way, then."
Kim nudges me, and I want to ask what that nudge is for. Is she wanting to comment on Bethiah? On the pirate, who seems to know a fair amount about humans? Or what? Now is not the time to ask, though, and I hold my words until Mathiras shows us our chamber. It is small, with a single narrow bed that will only barely fit my frame, and an adjoining bathroom.
"The journey will be approximately seven standard days," Mathiras explains coolly. "There are shorter routes, but we prefer to take less-traveled ones to avoid detection. We'll be making the occasional stop, but nothing you need to disembark for." He gestures at the comm panel. "If you need anything, ask. One of my brothers or I will see to it." He nods crisply and then leaves, hitting the door panel on the way out and sealing us into our room.
I set our shared bag down on the narrow bed. "This is smaller than I anticipated."
"It's fine," Kim says in a sweet voice. "Kinda reminds me of a cruise cabin back on Earth." She pokes her head into the bathroom and chuckles. "Right down to the teeny, tiny lavatory. No tub, though."
"Yup, a shower." She turns around and her cheeks are flushed. I know what she is thinking. Showers are where we connect best. Showers have held some of our favorite moments together.
Perhaps we should shower again…
"Not a very large one, I'm afraid," Kim adds. She sits down on the edge of the bed and looks at our bag. "So…what do we do now?"
I shrug, looking around for somewhere to sit. There is a compact chair near the door, but not big enough to fit a full-grown praxiian male. I move the bag off the bed and onto the floor, and sit down next to her. "Are you sure you do not wish me to have another cabin? If they can find space for Bethiah, surely they can find space for me." I gesture at the ship. "I have been on a Class IV freighter before. They have multiple bays, and so this one should have more cabins, especially if they are down a crew member. Money is not an object."
Kim shakes her head. "It feels very vulnerable to be out here. I feel safer on our farm. I'd like it if you stayed…unless you're uncomfortable, of course."
"I am not uncomfortable." I take her small hand in mine and stroke her fingers. "And you are safe with me. This I promise you. I would not bring you if I thought you would be in danger. Bethiah will guard us."
My mate gives me a look. "Bethiah was being tickled by one of the crew."
I chuckle. "Very true. Do you think I would let you come to harm, though?"
"No," she says, her voice so soft as she gazes up at me. "You always take care of me, don't you?"
"You are my mate. You are my everything. Of course I take care of you." I run my thumb over her fingers, stroking her skin. "Your happiness is the most important thing in the world to me."
Kim looks up at me, her gaze flicking to my mouth. "Can I tell you something?"
"I don't think I'm mad anymore." She puts her other hand over mine and traces one of my fingers with her fingertip. "I realized that in port. I'm not mad, and I realized I trust you. I don't think I've stopped trusting you. I think I was just…hurt." She gazes down at our joined friends. "I don't want to be an object. I want to be a partner. If someone needs killing…I want to be in on it." She blows out a breath and crosses her eyes. "God, what am I even saying?"
"I understand," I tell her. "It is not the killing. It is that you were left out. It is that I made decisions on your behalf instead of including you."
"Yes. Exactly."
"No more," I promise her. "I want you involved in everything. You are my mate. My partner. We are in this together." When she gives me a small smile, I squeeze the hand over mine. "What would you like to do now?"
Kim snorts. "I'd kind of like to hide for a bit. I feel very…exposed leaving our homestead. And we have a whole week to get to know people, right?" She lifts one shoulder in a mild shrug. "Can we stay in and just like…hang out?"
Hang out. Kim has said this to me before, and I know from experience it means to spend time with one another. Usually we play cards or watch one of my vids, but there is not a lot of room in this cabin for us to spread out and give each other space. I do not see a vid player either, other than a rudimentary comm system. "I believe the vid-screen is in the common room. Did you just wish to talk?"
"Or read? Just something to relax. I feel very tense."
An idea hits me. "You could read part of your book to me."
"Um. I don't know." She looks worried.
"I would love to hear it. I want to know what you are sharing with others."
Her face colors and she slips her hand out of mine. "You do realize it's a romance, right? It might not be your kind of story."
"Why would it not?" I pull out her datapad from its spot tucked into a side pocket of my bag and offer it to her. "You were working hard on this last night. Read me the scene you are working on."
Kim's face turns a shade of red I have never seen before. "Not that scene."
"Why not?"
"It's…" She clears her throat, and her voice is strangled. "It's a love scene."
Well now I am even more intrigued. "I would like for you to read this to me, Kim. Perhaps it will give me…guidance."
"On how to pleasure you." I'm purring again, the rumbling starting low in my chest.
"I don't think you need guidance on that." She gives me a soft look, her lips parted. "The last time we were together…that was pretty good."
"Only pretty good?" I nudge the datapad again. "Then I definitely need guidance."
The thought of reading my story aloud to Nassakth feels so intensely vulnerable. I glance over at him, clutching the datapad to my chest, and there's a look of heat in his eyes. He's seated so close to me that I can feel the warmth flowing off of him, I can smell the scent of soap, and his freshly brushed tail tickles against my leg.
What will it hurt to read a tiny bit to him? my brain asks.
"You…you can't laugh," I tell him. "If you laugh, I'm going to stop."
"I would never laugh." The look he gives me is grave. "You have put a great deal of effort into it. Why would I mock it?"
Because it's a girly book? Because I'm writing about all kinds of filthy sex acts and won't have sex with him? There's a million reasons that flutter into my head but somehow, I trust him. He knows it’s important to me, so he's going to do his best to take it as seriously as I do. I lick my dry lips and gaze down at the pad I have clutched in my hands. It doesn't have to be a love scene, I reason. It can just be any sort of scene. It can be the hero and heroine having a conversation. Granted, there aren't a ton—I've had a lot of unfulfilled needs since landing on Risda and have channeled a lot of…ahem, filthy thoughts, into my book. I pull open my file and start to flick the document up, looking for a suitably clean scene.
Nassakth reaches over and stops me. "Why do you not read the scene you are on?"
"Because…um, just because."
He shakes his head. "Read it to me. Just start. I will not laugh."
I swallow hard and shift on the corner of the bed. This is harder to do than I thought. I flip back down to the end of the document with a touch of my finger and let out a breath (and it sounds a lot like a whimper when it comes out). I know exactly what I was writing when I left off. It's an oral scene, only partially (okay mostly) inspired by Nassakth and his mouth.
I clear my throat, stalling. "It's really not very good—"
"I'll b
e the judge of that."
Nassakth just isn't going to let it go. Taking a deep, steeling breath, I begin to read. "Lady Anna hiked up her skirts as high as she dared, showing a bit of ankle. Immediately, Lachlan pressed his mouth there and began to move upward. The lady dared not speak as the fierce highland lord moved up from her foot to her knee, kissing the entire way. His head was under her skirts and she was behaving shamelessly, but she didn't care. Surely someone would see them. Surely someone would hear the small cries she was making, yet she couldn't remain silent. Not when his mouth was moving toward her secret pleasure zone—"
Nassakth makes a sound. "What is a secret pleasure zone?"
"You said you weren't going to mock me," I cry, putting the datapad aside. "So I'm not a great writer. So—"
He puts a finger over my lips, silencing me. "First, my mate, I would warn you to be quiet, as this is an older ship and the walls are likely thin. They will hear everything we say unless we remember to keep our voices low."
"Well now I really don't want to read to you," I grumble around his finger.
"Also, I ask because I do not know what a secret pleasure zone is. Is it the cunt or am I neglecting a part of your body that I should not?" The look on his face is downright worried.
He's not mocking me. He's just making sure he gave me a good time when we were together. That eases some of my distress, though I'm still blushing as I explain. "It's, you know, her pussy."
"Poo-see?" Nassakth tilts his head. "Like a cat?"
"Like a cunt." Jeez, I'm going to be permanently red in the face. I'm a grown-ass woman, so why is this so freaking embarrassing?
"Ah." Nassakth ponders this. "You may continue reading. I find this educational."
"It's not supposed to be educational," I grumble, but I pick up the datapad again. "It's supposed to be entertaining."