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When She Purrs: A Risdaverse Romance Page 28

  Kim pulls back and looks me in the eye. "You're asking now?"

  I nod. "Why not? I love you and want to be with you."

  She bites her lip, thinking. "I guess I'm always a little afraid of what the future holds. Like I say I want babies, but it's 'in the future' because I keep waiting for things to get better." Her fingertips skim over my nipple. "Can't imagine things getting much better than now, though."

  "I want to have cubs with you," I tell her. "I do not care if they are half-human as long as they are half-Kim."

  "Oh, Nassakth," Kim whispers. "I never thought you would be so perfect when I first met you. I thought you were just a scary stalker. But you're amazing, aren't you?" She brushes her fingers along my jaw, then traces my mouth, so different from her own. "I love you so much."

  "All my heart-feelings are yours, Kim." I kiss her fingertips and then ease her gently back down on the bed again. I shift my hips. Sure enough, my cock is beginning to stiffen once more. I wonder if I can remain inside her and claim her a second time?

  There is only one way to find out.

  "Are you sore?" I ask, reaching between us to cup one enticing breast. I roll the nipple with my thumb, coaxing it to a stiff peak once more. "Shall I get off you?"

  "No and no," she breathes, looking up at me with beautiful eyes. "I think you should claim me again."

  I think that is an excellent idea.



  “You’re alive,” Bethiah teases as I enter the mess hall of the Little Sister. “Here I thought we were going to have to pry you two apart with a crowbar.” Her voice lifts in a mocking tone as she mimics my voice. “Oh, Nassakth! Make me purr! You’re so big and strong!” She sticks her tongue out. “Disgusting.”

  “You’re just jealous,” I say happily as I move to the noodle dispenser.

  “Extremely.” She runs her finger along the edge of her bowl and then licks it. “It’s been forever since I’ve been keffed good and hard, and of course I’m jealous. You don’t get laid a lot in my line of work.” She sighs, gazing down at her food. “It can’t be my stellar personality.”

  I snort and hit the buttons to serve my favorite dish. While the machine works, I glance over at the bounty hunter. “Were we loud, then?”

  “Let’s just say poor Sophie’s going to need therapy if this goes on much longer.” She pauses. “And I could use some earplugs.”


  Her voice raises in a mimicking sound again. “She’s keffing an alien? Voluntarily? That’s SO gross!” Bethiah shrugs. “I offered to show her a good time, no strings attached, but then she just ran out of the room. What can you do.”

  I almost feel guilty. Almost. “She just needs time. This is a lot for a human to take in and she’s dealt with too much trauma in her life.” I take my bowl, glance around the empty mess hall, and then decide to sit with Bethiah after all. Sure, she’s a bit of an ass, but I’m getting used to her. I poke at my noodles with my utensils, stirring the sauces. “Do I need to talk to her?”

  “Naaah. She’ll come around. Or she won’t. You can’t coddle the universe.” She lifts one shoulder in a half-shrug. “The strong ones survive.”

  Harsh, but she’s got a point. I still make a mental note to go and talk to Sophie anyhow. She needs a friend and she also needs to understand that not all praxiians are bad and Nassakth in particular is wonderful and kind and generous and…I could be a little obsessed. I blush at my own thoughts and stir harder. “It’s hard for humans out here.”

  “It’s hard for everyone. You think I became a bounty hunter because I’m a people person?” Bethiah gives me a skeptical look and then sticks her utensils into my bowl, fishing out a cube of protein. “I do it because it pays well.”

  “Hey!” I smack her hand with my eating sticks. “Get your own. There’s a damn dispenser.”

  “Yes, but yours is ready. Don’t worry, I don’t have parasites.” She grins at me as she chews. “So, where’s your big cat and his even bigger warrior?”

  My face goes bright red. “Heard that, did you?”

  “How could I not? You were screaming it at the top of your lungs last night.” Bethiah fishes another bit out of my bowl, and I push the whole thing toward her. It’s less appetizing when someone else is eating all the best parts. I go to get myself another bowl, thinking of my mate. His mane was delightfully mussed this morning when I woke him up with my mouth on his cock, and we made love before jumping into the shower—and then were immediately all over each other again. I sigh happily. I don’t know why we waited so long, but all the pent-up need seems to be bursting at the seams because we can’t keep our hands off each other. I’m refueling with some food before we head back in for another round of vigorous, enthusiastic, incredible lovemaking. “He went to the bridge to discuss payment plans for the return trip. Plus, there’s Sophie’s passage to discuss.”

  “Mmm. I don’t think you have to worry about her.”


  “Yeah, these guys had a little sister that was human, you know? I think Sophie must remind them of her, because when I saw them earlier, Adiron was showing her the basics of the nav boards. And they have room for a fourth on this ship. She can be their little pet.”

  “She’s not a pet, Bethiah.”

  “Well, whatever.” Bethiah picks at the bowl of noodles in front of her, and when I sit down with a new dish, she immediately eyeballs it. I scoot my current bowl closer to my chest, glaring at her. She just smirks. “Want to know a fun fact?”

  Uh oh. “Probably not?”

  “I checked the newly posted bounties a few hours ago.” She toys with her food absently. “Guess who’s posted one?”

  My mouth goes dry and I stare down at my food bowl, suddenly no longer hungry. “Nassakth’s parents?”

  “Yep. And the bounty’s twice as large.”

  I groan, frustrated. “They didn’t get the hint? Why won’t they just leave him alone?”

  “Because it’s not about what he wants. It’s about what they want.” She takes a big, slurping bite of food and chews, then pokes her sticks at me. “Don’t worry, though. You’re not going to be chased by bounty hunters all your lives. I flagged their profile as risky.”

  “Risky?” I echo, curious.

  “Risky as in ‘you probably won’t get paid for it.’ No one’s going to touch it with a ten foot shock-stick.” She grins at me. “And you know my kind are all about the credits.”

  That’s…surprisingly kind of her. “Thank you, Bethiah,” I say in a soft voice. “I appreciate it. Nassakth will, too.”

  “Well, it IS the truth. We left before I got paid for the last bounty, so it’s not like I’m lying.” She shrugs and goes back to picking at her food. “And I’m sure you and your already-wealthy husband will make it up to me.”

  “We absolutely will,” I promise her. “In fact, I know how to start.”

  “How’s that?”


  She snorts with amusement. “Or you can just call my name out during sex. I mean, if I’m gonna hear it, might as well make it good.”

  I ignore that part. “Thank you for everything. I didn’t realize you lost out on your bounty.”

  Bethiah gets a grumpy look on her face. “Don’t get all soft on me. You guys were my clients first. I don’t dick over one client to cash out on another. I do have some sense of honor.”

  I suspect it’s larger than she lets on. “Do you really think we’re safe? What about that Jamef guy? Do you think he’ll come after us?”

  “He’s not a problem. And if he is, I’ll handle him.” She reaches over and pats my hand. “Unless you two want to start exploring the galaxy together, you’re about to have an extremely unadventurous trip back to your boring planet.”

  I can’t freaking wait. I’m so ready for boring and unadventurous. I’m ready to start my life with Nassakth—as real, true mates in every sense of the word.


  I’ve never been so happy to be home.

  I almost feel bad at how eager I am to be alone with Nassakth. Almost. Everyone on the journey has been so very kind. It’s been nice to hang out with the three brothers, and even Bethiah has been decent. I gaze out at the screen in our chambers, showing a view of the universe as we head toward our planet. It’s hard to restrain my glee when Risda III enters our view, a small marble of greens and browns swirled with blue. It looks beautiful, perched amongst the stars, and as the ship moves closer and closer, I’m filled with a sense of joy and satisfaction. Risda is my home now.

  No, I realize as my mate puts his arms around me from behind and gazes at the view with me. Nassakth is my home.

  “Are you packed and ready?” he asks, planting a kiss atop my head. “Not long now and we’ll be back to our farm.”

  “More than ready,” I assure him, holding his arms as he cradles me against him. I’m so utterly content, nothing could spoil my happiness. “I’m ready to get back to my kitchen, to quiet nights playing Slapjack, to our nice big bed with plenty of room to maneuver…”

  “To our fighting lessons,” Nassakth agrees.

  I groan.

  “To our nice big shower.” His hand creeps up and cups my breast, teasing my nipple expertly.

  Even though I want him to go on, I also don’t want to be turned on as we head through port—too many aliens have an excellent sense of smell and I’d prefer not reeking of sex as we head through. So I lightly slap his touch away, regretting it even as I do so. “Hands to yourself until we’re in private again.”

  “That cannot come soon enough,” he mutters, but gives me one last squeeze and lets me go. “Come. Let’s strap in for the landing. Kaspar is a rough hand at the controls.”

  We manage to get seated safely just in time for the ship to massively lurch, and the pillows on the bed go flying across the cabin and it’s only the fact that I’m belted down that I don’t do the same.

  “Keffing really?” I hear Bethiah screech, so loud I can hear her through the walls. “Learn how to drive this thing!”

  I grimace as my stomach lurches, but then we’ve landed, and Nassakth runs a quick hand over me, checking me for injuries. When he’s satisfied, we both unbuckle and he grabs our bags.

  “It will take a few minutes for the port authorities to clear us,” Nassakth tells me. “Go and say your goodbyes, and I will meet you at the bridge.”

  He leans down for a quick peck of a kiss, and I fling my arms around his neck and make it a longer one. Just because he’s amazing. I nip at his lower lip as I release him, and whisper, “I can’t wait to get home to our bed.”

  My praxiian mate groans and gives me a heated look. “I will not let you leave it for days.”

  Now that’s a promise I like. “Not even for training?”

  He pauses. “Perhaps for training.”

  Ugh. “Fine, fine.” I give his arm one last caress and then open the door to our room and step out into the hall. I head toward the dining area and sure enough, the mess hall is indeed a mess. The dishes have scattered all over the floor thanks to our rough landing, and stools are slid every which way. I nudge one back into place as I cross over to Sophie, who’s picking up bowls. “Hey there.”

  She gives me a faint smile. “Looks like we’re here. You all ready to go?”

  I pick up a few of the dishes, helping her out. “We’re heading out, yes. Are you sure I can’t interest you in coming with us? My little farm’s just sitting empty. You could have some time to yourself. You could be independent. I promise no one would bother you, and Nassakth and I can check in on you.”

  But Sophie shakes her head, just as I knew she would. I’ve invited her a half-dozen times over the last week on our journey home, and each time, she refuses. “You’ve been very kind, Kim, and you know I trust you…but your mate is praxiian.”

  I get it. I know I’d never trust even the nicest caterpillar alien if he showed up on my doorstep. Sophie doesn’t want to be beholden to someone she views as the enemy. “If you’re sure…”

  “I’m sure.” She smiles brightly, and there’s a spark of life back in her eyes again. “They’re teaching me some basic stuff about the ship and tasks I can do to help out. Adiron says I can earn some money of my own, so I won’t feel trapped.”

  “They’re surprisingly good guys, these space pirates.” I grin at her.

  “They’re pirates, so I don’t have any illusions.” Sophie shrugs. “But no one’s tried to touch me. Adiron says I remind them of their little sister, so that’s good. As long as I stay in the sister zone, I’m safe.” She takes the dishes from my hands, and I can’t help but notice that her simple jumper has the ship’s logo on it, like she’s already part of the team. “But I really do thank you for your offer, Kim. And your help escaping. It means more to me than you know.” She blinks rapidly, her eyes shining.

  “No, I know what it’s like,” I tell her, and there’s a knot in my throat, too. “You know if you’re ever in trouble, I’ll be there for you. Just reach out. Heck, even if you have to call Bethiah and charge me for it, I’ll be there. Just say the word.” Impulsively, I hug her, and I’m not surprised when she stiffens. It takes time to get over being touched by strangers. I know this all too well, and it’s Nassakth’s patient affection that’s made me change. I hope someday Sophie can find the same.

  And if not, I hope she can find peace and comfort.

  “Did I hear my name?” Bethiah appears, leaning an elbow on the door jamb and striking a pose.

  Speak of the devil… “I was just saying my goodbyes to Sophie,” I tell her. “And I guess I should say goodbye to you, too. I want to thank you for all your help.”

  “Aw, you are precious.” The bounty hunter strides forward and pinches my cheek, shaking it and making my entire face jiggle. “So cute, little humans. With squishy little faces and tiny squishy noses.” She pinches mine as if to prove just how squishy it is. “But I’m not going anywhere, my smooshy little human friend.”

  I blink in surprise. “You’re…not?”

  Bethiah beams down at me. “I’ve been instructed by that big mate of yours to find the best fertility doctor for a cross-species pregnancy, and if he won’t come willingly, I get to do things the hard way.” Her teeth bare in a menacing smile. “The hard way is my favorite.”

  Oh boy. We talked about babies just last night and I guess Nassakth is ready to get started. I’m not sure I’m thrilled Bethiah is on the case, though. “Please don’t kill the doctor.”

  “No killing. Just a little maiming.” She licks her lips. “And only on unnecessary limbs.”

  “No maiming!”

  She pinches her fingers together. “Just a little.”

  “I want my doctor whole and preferably not angry at me,” I tell her, hands on hips. “Maybe try less maiming and more bribery, huh?”

  “But the maiming’s the fun part.” At my scowl, she just chuckles and pinches my cheek again. “Fine, fine. We’ll do it your way…for now. But I can’t promise anything if he tries to run from me.”

  I push her hand away. “Bethiah…”

  “I’m joking, I’m joking!”

  Something tells me she’s not. I point at her. “The doctor has to be whole and willing or he’s no use to me. Write that down. Tattoo it on your chest if you have to.”

  “So fierce.” Her tail flicks wildly. “It’s so cute when humans start to look like their masters.” She reaches out to pinch my cheek again, and I slap her hand away before she can touch me, which only makes her laugh harder.

  Okay, so maybe I won’t miss Bethiah all that much.



  I worried I would have regrets, cutting off my parents and ignoring their offer.

  Not over Kim, of course. Never that. Just that I would feel regret over not being the heir to my house, incredibly wealthy and revered amongst my people. I worried that it would eat at me as I slept.

  But as w
e pull the air-sled up to my home and Kim touches my leg, all I feel is relief.

  Relief that it is all over.

  Relief that we can return to our quiet life.

  Relief that I chose this brave, strong human female over everything dangled in front of my nose.

  All I have ever wanted is Kim. Ever since I saw her, breathed in her scent, beheld her smile—she has consumed my thoughts. She brings me more happiness than I could have ever imagined, and I would give everything up for her a dozen times over.

  “This makes me so happy,” Kim says in a soft voice. “Can we never leave the planet again? Ever?”

  I chuckle, setting the sled down in its spot in front of the house and turning it off. “I like that idea very much. But I do not want you to feel trapped. Are you sure you will not miss roaming the galaxy?”

  She wrinkles her nose at me as if the very idea is distasteful. “You do realize almost every single human spends their entire life on Earth and never feels the need to roam the galaxy? I think I’ll be fine.” Her hand slides up my thigh. “As for feeling trapped, I think you can manage to keep me occupied.”

  I love this new aspect of Kim—her boldness. Now that she has decided truly that I am hers, she reaches for me all the time. Her hands are both aggressive and possessive, and I welcome these touches. I love that she cannot keep her hands to herself. I love that she is as addicted to touching me as I am to touching her. My warrior rises in greeting, and I am tempted to pull my mate into my lap and mate with her right here in front of the house…but then Kim stifles a yawn, and my protective instincts take over.

  “Come,” I tell her. “It has been a long journey. Let us go inside.”

  Everything in the house is just as we left it, and as I carry our bags inside, a cleaning droid putters past on the floors, sweeping. My plants look a little dry, and I make a mental note to check the auto-waterers. There is much to do now that we are back—I have to check the farming bots and the bots that handle the care of the meat-stock. I have to review logs of their daily activities and reports to ensure all is running smoothly. Then there is Kim’s farm to check on. There are lessons for my mate, and crop shipments to schedule, and a hundred other small things that must be taken care of. Those that think farming is a simple, easy life have not spent a day in my shoes.